Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Final Exam

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

project 34 calling card

QR Code V card project 33

I went to QRSTUFF 1) choose plain text type (2)wrote my information and my it blogger site (3)chose color for code (4)download

STA website QR Code project 32

I went to Kaywa and paste the school website URL and made it.

Creating QR Code Project 31

I went to QRSTUFF: (1) choose plain text type (2)wrote my full name, number, street address, and my expertise (3)chose color for code (4)download

QR Code Information project 30

1.QR codes are a quick response codes used for information and other uses with smartphones. 2.Denso Wave (Toyota) invented the QR Codes. 3.You can use Qr codes on online videos, websites, and books to give a faster view to websites and more

Monday, May 7, 2012

movie poster

I learned how to add layer mask and merge pictures together. Overall this project was a success

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

This T-shirt design was inspired by the couples in Korea who wear these. In the future I want to make these t-shirts to make couples happy and this project was a success.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

project 27 logo

This logo project was a success and for future business will be good. Students should remember how to use photo-shop for their future career.

Monday, April 23, 2012

photoshop 1

this photoshop project was a success and I am getting use to using it. This project will help future projects and more creative photoshops.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Project 25

This project was good and I learned how to share and edit with a partner. Students can learn to use this for other subject classes when they are assigned with projects.

Project 24

It was good that I learned to had more items and I thought that Everything was great and in place where I wanted.

Project 23

b) To move use the mouse. To scale, double click on the item and see a circle and and have the option to make it large or small. To zoom, use the mouse to scroll closer. To create paths choose path on the options an click on the item.

c) To use the frames you click on the frame options click a location where you want it, drag and click where you want it to be. To send items you can get it from your files in the options on the side or get a URL of a image or video and paste it to appear on your presentation.

d) To invite people, click the meeting option on the top, get the URL, send it to whoever you want, send it and they can work with you. You could share it by making your prezi public or clicking the share button on the side where you can also see the edit button, which is at the bottom of your prezi presentation.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

this city may not be the future but someday you might have a city something like this and will remember your high school days in IT class.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Google sketch-up house

This was a fun project to make and that you can have the house you really want when your old enough and I think students may have learned more things throughout this google sketch-up.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

living room

I think that this project was good and perfect for my future career as an Interior Designer.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kitchen and Dining Google Sketchup

This project was easy and I found many ways to make cabinets and counters and learned how to make a table and download items!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I think that this project was good and easy to make. I hope to improve on making 3D objects for future presentation.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Google Docs Drawing

This project was a little difficult because we didn't know what to draw at first and how. But when we used our imagination we decided to make something that you see most Saturdays at gas stations like car wash signs.
Overall it is good

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I think that this project is helpful because when you have a survey to do you can use form to put questions and have it as a blog or in a website.
Overall this project is good.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

This project is useful and you get to edit with your friends. This helped me that you don't have to have power point in your computer and use the google docs instead.
Over all this was good to communicate with your partner.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Project 14: google docs spreadsheet

This project help me to make a easy survey with charts and more graphs. Later I can use this for school projects and more as I grow up.
Overall this project is perfectly fit.

Project 13: Google Docs: Document

This project helped me to share with people and can edit at the same time. You don't need to send an email back and forth to edit but at the same time.
This project can help us in the future to communicate with people who are far away.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Google Sites

This project helped me make a google site which I can put recipes activities that I have done and school stuff that can help people
Overall this project is good!! ^.^

Monday, February 13, 2012

IF Function Project 11

this project can help with math when dealing with budgets and questions to make for school projects and overall this project is good and easy to remmeber.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

PROJECT 10: Create a Budget and Expense Sheet for a Vacation Trip

This IT project was a fun and interesting. This helped me how to add up or math stuff in excel. I would love to use this when I grow up and have to deal with my budgets

Monday, February 6, 2012

Creating and Editing Chart project 9

This project would be good for science when making a chart. It was easy to make and you could change the styles that you want. Overall it was good.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Using Style on word project 8

I think that you can learn and use this in your schol projects or report to turn in. This is a great way of putting your document into a good style and form. Overall it was easy to follow.

Insert youtube video in word project 7

I think that this project was a success and it was easy to have a youtube video on word for your presentation in class. Overall it was good and that students should learn this for school projects.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Inserting Video in Word project 6

I think that this project is good and was very easy to embed on word. This can be used in my project for any subject.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Customize Shortcut Keys project 5

Italics, Ctrl+I and Ctrl+Shift+I
Changed to Alt+I

FileSaveAs, F12
Changed to Alt+F12

I went to word option and clicked on customize.Then went to home tab and searched for Italics which is useful in essays. Then I looked for avaible shortcut keys. Same thign with the FileSaveAs which is in Office Menu. Then click assign.

Monday, January 23, 2012

PC shortcuts project 4

1. Apply List Bullet/CTRL+SHIFT+L
This can be used when you are making notes or when making a list of things or buiness

2. Bookmark/CTRL+SHIFT+F5
Can be used to bookmark important sites like IT200 site

3. Cancel/ESC
very important to use to delete the things you don't want

4. Column Break/CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
It is useful when making brochures and notes in columns

If you want to copy something to word or paint you can use this as a shortcut or class works

used to look up words that you may not know

7. New/CTRL+N
when you need a new document in word

when you copy something and paste it on word and etc.

9. Print/CTRL+P or CTRL+SHIFT+F12
When your print homework or documents needed faster instead of going to the menu and finding print

10. Save/CTRL+S or SHIFT+F12 or ALT+SHIFT+F2
to save a document faster than clicking save in the menu

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mail Merge Flyer project 3

I learned that it is better to use text box so that the names that you mail to is clearer.
I could have put the text box somewhere so that the background would be seen.

Mail Merge project 2

I have learned how to maile merge. It is how you can send anything like a letter to diferrent people with the same letter.
What I could have done better was to have a better letter to post and overall it is good.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Flyer project 1

I thought the flyer was good, but not to decorative. This may be helpful when I have events to invite friends and families.